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PLC Control Panel

Aqviro Engineering Automatic Systems Control Panels Built With PLC:
Programmable logic controller (PLC) control panels or also known as 
PLC Automation Panel are one of the most important and efficient kinds 
of control panels. Which are generally used in variety of electronic and 
electrical circuit fittings. PLC Control Panels we manufacture are highly 
capable of giving higher output at less power consumption. Integrated 
with solid PLC logic and flawless PLC hardware programming.

VFD Controll Panels:
The VFD Panel (Variable Frequency drive panel) also known as 
VFD Control Panel are designed to control the speed of electric motor 
and feed pump. They are widely used in drilling, pumping and other 
large machine applications. The VFD panels are widely used in extruder 
plants, rolling Mills, tube mills, paper mills, cable industry and CTL Lines

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